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Ten ways to make your wedding day unique

Big Bear Blogger

Hi everyone, hope you're having a great day. In todays post we've decided share with you some ideas to make your wedding day memorable!

You want your wedding day to be totally uniue right? So, we've put together a list of creative ways to make sure your wedding day is unlike any other. Having filmed such a variety of weddings in the past and seen so many different styles, we've listed below some ideas we've noticed that we think can help you to stand out from the crowd and keep your wedding day fresh. These ideas obviously won't be for everyone but if you're looking for a little inspiration read on!

1. Save the date snaps

Rather than sending out standard invitations why not take a snap of the two of you or even have a save the date video made telling guests when and where to be, you can share this online with friends and family!

2. Welcome bags

Make your guests feel special with a little welcome bag. These can be personalised with all sorts of little treats such as mini bottles of bubbly, thank you notes or even individual welcome notes.

3. Polaroid Guestbook

During your reception or night do, rather than having a standard guestbook why not leave a polaroid camera so guests can take photos of themselves to be stuck into a book with a little note. That way, rather than the standard guestbook, you'll also have a photo album.

4. Child Care

Why not cater for your younger guests as well by hiring or designating a room at your venue. Stock the room up with all sorts of games, food and films to keep your younger guests entertained. Make sure the room is close enough to the reception location so that parents can check on their children and go back to your party easily.

5. Guest Playlist

Make sure your party is in full swing by asking guests to note down a favourite song on the back of their rsvp cards in advance for the dj. This way your dance floor will always be packed and people will be dancing the night through!

6. Handwritten place cards

Make sure guests feel welcome and thanked with individual hand written notes on each of their place cards. Think ‘James! Cheers for flying in from America to be here today!’

7. Food For Thought

Its not just music that can entertain people food can too, why not try something different rather than just a buffet. Things we have seen in the past that have been fun are: a chocolate fountiain with fruit or marshmellows to dip in, an ice cream stand or even a popcorn machine!

8. Groom's Cake

We've seen all sorts of lovely wedding cakes but as well as this why not opt for an unforgettable grooms cake! What a great opportunity for an instagram photo, take a look at a couple below to see what we mean.

9. Confession Video

Its easy to just go with a photo booth option but have you ever thought of having a confessional video? Have your videographer set up a small area where you can have your guests say a 30 second message to the camera. Your videographer can edit this as part of your film/video and you’ll have a right laugh!

10. The Aftershow

Once your wedding venue closes why end the party there? Book a space with a totally different vibe from your reception, you can go for a chilled vibe where you can continue to hang out with guests or you can continue the party late into the night.

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